Life Is Strange 动图 2019-09-11 壁纸 暂无评论 1933 次阅读 ![[10]'BOO-YA!'.gif]([10]'BOO-YA!'.gif) -------- ![[11]'Hey Chloe...Say cheeeeese!'.gif]([11]'Hey Chloe...Say cheeeeese!'.gif) -------- ![[12]Moving on.jpg]([12]Moving on.jpg) -------- ![[1]Morning celebrations.gif]([1]Morning celebrations.gif) -------- ![[2]Road to Seattle.gif]([2]Road to Seattle.gif) -------- ![[3]Pricefield calling.gif]([3]Pricefield calling.gif) -------- ![[4]Chloe loves Max.gif]([4]Chloe loves Max.gif) -------- ![[5]When Chloe grabs the camera.gif]([5]When Chloe grabs the camera.gif) -------- ![[6]Hey Chloe, wanna watch Spirits Within again.gif]([6]Hey Chloe, wanna watch Spirits Within again.gif) -------- ![[7]Long day.gif]([7]Long day.gif) -------- ![[8]Sunday morning.gif]([8]Sunday morning.gif) -------- ![[9]Seattle at night.gif]([9]Seattle at night.gif) -------- 标签: Life Is Strange 本作品采用 知识共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。